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蒙泰机关文印RIP 蒙泰机关文印RIP是专用于数码印刷的高速RIP系统,能直接驱动数码印刷设备,调用数码印刷设备Windows驱动程序,实现一边RIP一边输出,任何作业都能够以生产设备最高速度打印输出。

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旧 15-04-09   #1 (永久链接)
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Ok, so I do a little searching determined the answer to my issue about how to properly frame my incoming XML data over my TCP socket is to either deliver the XML with a headlines indicating size ahead of time, or use delimiting get away sequences. Since I are basically writing complaintant for a very old C cheap oakley sunglasses 90% off server which for that reason communicates with a amount of other clients which I'm not interested in needing to tinker with I decided the latter. Previously I used to be actually stripping your '\n' out of the stream since i was ignorant from what its purpose was. Now when my personal asynchronous OnDataReceived method is called I really do get a nice slice of data with the n elimiters, here is a sample chosen from the stream and stored in a stringed variable:My real question is now what is the procedure for pulling the chain values out of the person XML "statements?" so that I can send these to our ParseMessage(string) method and begin processing them? Initially I was thinking of possibly some RegEx to probably start at the beginning until finally it finds the initial \n and then select and strip all of the earlier text out? Let me hear some input on what the common(or perhaps uncommon) practices for this oakley sunglasses cheap 90% off problem is before My spouse and i begin some quite possibly overly convoluted strategy. Much thanks.

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