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Padma Lakshmi joins Westin Hotel New Balance regarding 5K run to benefit Soles4Souls

Padma Lakshmi, host of the Emmy Award Winning show, Top Cook joined Westin Hotels Resorts and New Balance to donate sneakers to profit Soles4Souls, an organization that provides shoes in new balance store locator order to adults and children in need around the world, and the Hurricane Sandy relief the other day new balance outlet store in New York.

The 5K work, which went throughout Midtown New york, started and ended in the new Westin New York Grand Core. Thousands of associates around the world leaped in support of the brands' pledge to give 15,000 pairs of shoes to Soles4Souls in celebration in the global launch of Westin's New Balance Gear Lending Program, which allows guests to borrow running shoes with disposable insoles, as well as a various men's and women's New Balance apparel for $5.00. During the event, your accommodation also featured a life dimensions sneaker "giving tree" and Soles4Souls shoe contribution box where associates, friends and locals dropped off used and new footwear the whole day.

New Balance Fitness Ambassador and Exercise TV celebrity trainer, Holly Perkins, guided the race participants in "warm up" stretch before the run along with Padma Lakshmi cheering them on. As with most little girls, Dynelle grew up wearing the girl mother's shoes around the house however unlike other girls, she made sure those new balance outlet shoes had been kept in great condition therefore she'd inherit them. Right now her life is kept hectic by attending previews, events. You could possibly contact Dynelle with your comments as well new balance outlet as questions.

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