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24-06-16 | #1 (永久链接) |
同城: 未知
I've encountered an annoying vibration at certain speeds, I suspect it's the drivesha
Hi all! I've got a problem with my driveshaft vibrating at high speeds, and it's really annoying. Has anyone had this problem before? How can I resolve this? Take the driveshaft off and get it balanced at a shop. It appears to be the most reliable way, though it's a lot of hassle – removal, transport, waiting, and reinstalling. Balance the driveshaft directly on the car. Some people do this using special tools without taking off the driveshaft. Has anyone encountered a problem like this? How did you solve the driveshaft vibration problem, which method did you choose, and why? I want to buy a portable balancer Balanset-1A, like this for Furnace Fan Balancing In this store https://www.ebay.com/itm/395459584162 Any tips or advice to share? I'd really appreciate any advice and recommendations!