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旧 10-12-12   #1 (永久链接)
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注册日期: 10-12-11
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默认 Firewall proxy server based Intranet Design and Im

Firewall proxy server based Intranet Design and Implementation

Try to achieve the desired results were 5 Conclusion With the Intranet to promote awareness of network security and the importance, the network firewall technology will continue to improve and develop the proxy server will tend to provide more detailed audit report, and routers tend to provide more powerful virtual private network services. Therefore, application level and network-level proxy firewall router with firewall technology will be the future direction of development of a network firewall. References IArJdrewSTanmlbatm ~: Con ~ puterNetworks3rdedEnglew ~ lCliffs · PrenticeH. 19,962 square sub Cuan. Zhan Jianliang other Win ~ ws networking hanging ball Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. I9963 weeks tomorrow, Wen-Yong Wang TCp / IP network of the original and Technology Shu Beijing: Tsinghua University Press. I993 Pan Li 1974 students. Nanjing Institute of Computer Communications from 5 professional hardware power 4 Pan Li et al: Intranet-based proxy firewall design and implementation of graduate students with disabilities. (See Articles 2, 1998 7,UGG estivi, page) chapter Yun 1963. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Computer Science and Technology Chen Jinlong 1942 students. Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Department of Computer Science and Technology,ugg boots italia, Department of computer communications director, lecturer. (See publication No. 2 of 1998 Professor. (See publication No. 1 of 1998 p. 108) 54) DesignandImplementationoflntranetFirewallsBasedonProxyServersPanLiShenJinlongZhangYun / DepartmentofC ~ nputerScienceandTechnology · N ~ jinglnstitme1 \ P. gb unloading drekc. r delete Lmicl. ns, 210003,UGG scarpe, Nanj 【ng. PRc / AbstractProxyS ~ IveYssupervisenetworkservicesthroughcontrolingtheacctotheprotectednet-w () Tks0ntheapplicationlayer,UGG scarpe, s. thattheycanreplace. renhancethenetworkfirewallsInthispaper, thework-ingprincipleofproxyserversisanalyzedTwotypicalkindsofIntranetfirewallasedonproxyserversaxepro-posed, andtheimplementationmethodisdiscussedthroughaeasestudy-KeywordsProxyserver, FirewaU, Intranet (on the next page 75) AStudyonDigitalSimulationofRootLocusinZ-domainfortheComputerControlSystemChenZhonglninWangXue / p. f. Name. gy, 【1gh1,. fpostsandTdecomm ~ mlcations,UGG boots Italia, 210003, N0njing. PRC / AbstractThedesignofc ~ mputercontrolsysternindiscretedomainsanddigitalsimulationofrootlocusinZ-d iv inarediscussed, thetheoreticanalysesofrootmatchandconvergenttest & regivenindetail, andtheiral-gorithmsaswellasSot'twareimplementationinClanguage & realsopresented. Ke ~ rdsDigitalsimulation, Z-domain, Rootlocus
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