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默认 What is Stone Paper? How to play Stone Paper in football from A to Z?

What is Stone Paper? You often hear football betting enthusiasts talk a lot about Stone Paper. Even TV match analysis programs often mention information like Stone Paper 2, Stone Paper 2 loses half... So what does Stone Paper mean? Let's find out more details through the following information!

What is Stone Paper?
What is Stone Paper? Stone Paper in English is referred to as Over-Under (abbreviated as O/U), which is a type of betting where the bookmaker has provided a predicted number for a match. The task of Stone Paper players is to bet on whether the actual number in the match will be higher (Over) or lower (Under) than that given number.
With this meaning, Stone Paper can be played in many different ways. Any betting match where you can bet on whether the actual result will be lower or higher than a certain number is considered Stone Paper.
In sports betting, bookmakers use Stone Paper odds for the total number of goals, total number of cards, total number of corners in a football match, total number of games in a tennis match, total number of points in a basketball match, and so on.
>> See more: Top 5 tennis betting forum Beginners Should Know About in 2024
Playing Stone Paper in football
Stone Paper is a popular type of football betting, alongside traditional handicap betting. People often play Stone Paper based on the total number of goals scored in a match. For example, if a match ends with a score of 2-1, the total number of goals is 3, and if it ends 3-2, the total number of goals is 5...
When betting on Stone Paper, you don't need to focus on which team scores goals; instead, you focus on the total number of goals scored by both teams. You bet on whether the total number of goals will be lower or higher than the odds set by the bookmaker. Simply put, if you believe there will be few goals scored in the match, you bet Under.
Conversely, if you bet Over, you believe the match will have more goals. For example, a match with Stone Paper odds of 2.
If you bet Over (O), it means you're betting that the match will have more than 2 goals.
If you choose Under (U), it means you're betting that the match will have fewer than 2 goals.
If the match ends with exactly 2 goals, regardless of whether you chose Over or Under, you get your bet back. That is, you neither win nor lose but receive back your bet.
Note: In football, Stone Paper bets for the entire match only count official playing time (90 minutes) plus stoppage time, excluding extra time and penalty shootouts. Nowadays, in addition to betting on the overall Stone Paper for the match, you can also bet on Stone Paper for the first half, second half, or any minute within a match.
What do different types of Stone Paper bets mean?
In Stone Paper betting, the bookmaker will provide a soccer prediction 100 win gratuit number – this is called the odds. The odds could be: 2, 2-2.5, 2.5, 2.5-3, 3,...
So what are these Stone Paper odds? Below, we will explain to you how to read Stone Paper football odds in each specific case that we often encounter.
Stone Paper 1 and a half
Stone Paper 1 and a half is often written as 1 1/2 or 1.5. This is a Stone Paper bet commonly encountered in either the first or second half of a match. It means that it only counts the result of one half of the game (of course, there will also be a 1.5 odds for the whole match), as follows:

Over wins if there are 2 or more goals scored in that half.

Under wins if there are 0 or 1 goals scored in that half.

Stone Paper 1 and three-quarters
Stone Paper 1 and three-quarters is often written as 1.75 or 1.5-2. With this odds:

Over wins if the total number of goals is 3 or more, and it's a half win if the total is 2 goals.

Under wins if the total is 1 or 0 goals, and it's a half win if the total is 2 goals.

Stone Paper 2
Stone Paper 2 is exactly the example we mentioned above.

Over wins if the total number of goals in the match is greater than 2 (3 goals, 4 goals,...).

Under wins if the total number of goals in the match is less than 2 (1 goal or no goals).

In the case where the total number of goals is exactly 2, both sides of the bet will push.

Stone Paper 2 and a quarter
Stone Paper 2 and a quarter is often written as 2.25 or 2-2.5 (Many bookmakers also commonly use this notation).
In a 2 and a quarter Stone Paper bet, the following scenarios can occur:

Over wins if the total number of goals in the match is 3 or more. Over loses half the bet if the total number of goals is exactly 2.

Under wins if the total number of goals in the match is less than 2. Under wins half the bet if the total number of goals is exactly 2.

Stone Paper 2 and a half
Stone Paper 2 and a half is often written as 2.5 or 2 1/2. This bet is understood simply as follows:

Over wins if there are 3 or more goals scored in the match.

Under wins if there are 2 goals or fewer scored in the match.

Stone Paper 2 and three-quarters
Stone Paper 2 and three-quarters is often written as 2.75 or 2.5-3. In a Stone Paper 2 and three-quarters bet, it is understood as follows:

Over wins if the total number of goals in the match is 4 or more. Over wins half the bet if the total number of goals in the match is 3.

Under wins if the total number of goals in the match is 2 or fewer. Under loses half the bet if the total number of goals in the match is 3.

Stone Paper 3
Stone Paper 3 means the following:

Over wins if the total number of goals is greater than 3 (for example, scorelines like 3-1, 3-2, 0-6, etc.).

Under wins if the total number of goals is less than 3 (for example, scorelines like 2-0, 1-1, 1-0, etc.).

If the total number of goals is exactly 3, both Over and Under bets push.

Above are all the information to help you understand what Stone Paper betting is. We hope that we have provided you with the most useful information. Wish you success! Read more: The top-notch free buy soccer tips for today and tomorrow

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