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旧 10-11-16   #1 (永久链接)
同城: 未知
注册日期: 10-11-16
帖子: 15
印前币: 2,202.23
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印前声誉: 0 级 fashion867 草根印前
默认 Information of Bulova Watch and Clock Company

It's wildly acknowledged that the timepieces that have been created by Bulova, all of them are quite excellent with the fine precision and tasteful exquisite. The Bulova company has been manufacturing timepieces since the late 19th century. Bulova begins developing Accutron,UGG boots sale, the "tuning fork watch", the first breakthrough in timekeeping technology. The brand has gained a lot of other horological firsts, and is well-known as one of the best known American brands that available for both man and lady.


Bulova was founded in 1875 by Joseph Bulova. It began as a small jewelry shop in New York City. Watch and clock production began in 1911. The name Bulova Watch Company,kids ugg boots, Inc was adopted in 1923.

In 1920 the company moved to new premises on Fifth Avenue. On top of the building it built the Bulova Observatory, the first observatory ever built on top of a skyscraper.

Other highlights in the Bulova history include:

? 1928: World's first clock radio

? 1952: Development of Accutron begins

? 1970: Accuquartz wristwatch becomes the first quartz watch available to buy retail in the US

? 1983: Bulova Dimension, the world's thinnest wall clock

? 2000: October 4th declared "Bulova Day" in New York City to celebrate the company's 125th anniversary

? 2005: Bulova acquires the Sligh Furniture Company's clock business,Baby boots, including their longcase/grandfather clocks


Bulova today is part of the Loews Corporation.

A number of Bulova brands are available to buy includng Accutron, Bulova,hobo bag, Caravelle, Harley-Davidson and Frank-Lloyd Wright for watches along with Frank Lloyd Wright and Pfaltzgraff for clocks.

Recently, the company introduced the Commemorative Hack Watch. The Bulova Commemorative Stainless Steel Hack Watch is a replica of the hack watches that were worn by US Armed Forces personnel in World War II. This watch has been seen in the Miramax movie named The Great Raid and a part of the proceeds from the sale of each watch will be donated to the American Legion.

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