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旧 10-11-16   #1 (永久链接)
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注册日期: 10-11-16
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默认 How Are Rolex Datejust And Day Date Watches Differ

How are Rolex Datejust and Day Date Watches Different ,Womens boots
Brand Name : Rolex Datejust
Basic Difference
The basic difference between the two, evident in their names, is while the Datejust model displays only the date, the Rolex Day Date President model comes with both date and day displays--both seen through separate apertures in the watch dial. In both the Datejust and President, the date is displayed at the 3 o'clock position, while in presidential models the day is spelled out (in 26 languages) at the 12 o'clock position.

Brand Name : Rolex Day Date
Metal Used
The Oyster Perpetual Datejust is available in stainless steel, 18-karat yellow/white gold,hobo handbags, and Rolesor (steel and any one form of gold). The Ladies' Datejust is also available in pink (rose) gold and platinum. Of all prevaling models, the stainless steel and two-tone versions of Datejust have been extremely popular.

On the other hand, the Day Date models are not available in stainless steel. These are made exclusively in platinum or 18k yellow, white, or pink gold.
Size of the Case
All Rolex Day Date models are available with a case size of 36mm for men as well as women. In the Datejust, however, the case size is different for men and women: for men the standard case size is 36mm while for women it is either 26mm or 29mm. Rolex also offers a mid-sized version of the Datejust, featuring a case size of 31mm. Recently,rings, Rolex also launched a special edition Datejust at the Basel Fair in 2008 that featured a case size of 34mm.

The early Datejust models featured a domed back similar to that found in the Rolex Bubbleback, while newer model of the Datejust are a little thinner. Although the early President case was larger, it never had a domed back. If planning to buy a vintage variety of either the Datejust or President be cognizant of this model difference.
The style of bracelet in these two popular Rolex models has always been one of the key identifying factors. The Datejust models initially flaunted the Jubilee Bracelet, which gives the watch a unique look with three central links perfectly complimented by broader links on either edge. On the other hand, in 1956, when the Rolex Day Date model was launched, it featured a new bracelet known as the "President" bracelet. This bracelet has become popular for its powerful appearance featuring broad central links offset by narrower links on the sides. In many popular models, the President bracelet flaunts sparkling diamonds on the center links. Additionally, a standard feature that can be found in most Day Date models is the concealed clasp in the bracelet.

By 1957 (one year after the Day Date model was launched),UGG Boots, Rolex offered three types of bracelets for its Datejust line, namely: the usual Jubilee bracelet, the Oyster bracelet, and a leather strap. The Oyster bracelet features a central link flanked by narrower links on its sides. Some Datejust models are also available with the President bracelet options.

In 2000, Rolex released the Day Date watch with an Oyster bracelet option, which was available in 18k yellow gold, white gold, and pink (rose) gold.

The "Jubilee" bracelet is also available in a "steel-only" version in Stainless Steel Datejust models. President models, however, are not available with steel cases and there is likewise not a steel bracelet option for them. However, Presidents are available with a "Super Jubilee" karat bracelet in 18k yellow gold.
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旧 10-12-01   #2 (永久链接)
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