旧 10-12-01   #3 (永久链接)
同城: 未知
注册日期: 10-11-15
帖子: 7
印前币: 48.96
致谢数: 0
声望力: 0
印前声誉: 0 级 sakubaby06 草根印前
默认 回复: Glashütte Original

What I can say on your post is "Well done". But I want to talk about another thing here. It is about jeggings which is a new word that you may not find in the dictionary now. It is the blending of the word "jeans" with the word "leggings". At the first glance of it, you may take it as tight denim jeans. And you can also have the style of leggings when wearing jeggings, but not like general leggings, you can have your beautiful buttocks outside. It is so popular that would you like to wholesale jeggings from www.tradeage.com?
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