旧 24-02-08   #1 (永久链接)
同城: 未知
注册日期: 23-11-13
帖子: 18
印前币: 394.91
致谢数: 0
声望力: 0
印前声誉: 0 级 doaausef3li 草根印前
默认 Investment account fees in Al Rajhi Trading

Al Rajhi Bank provides all its customers with the investment account service, which gives them the opportunity to invest their money and achieve financial gains and returns that are compatible with the rules and provisions of Islamic Sharia. The customer can open his own investment account at Al Rajhi Bank, and then deposit a certain amount of money to start investing in... Buying and trading stocks, and then continuing to carry out buying and selling transactions, which achieves good financial returns and profits that help him develop and increase capital.
افضل شركة لتداول الاسهم
The customer can also open an electronic investment wallet to use it to follow everything related to the stock market, economic reports, loss and profit rates, and daily price fluctuations. All of these features and services are obtained by Al Rajhi Bank customers completely free of charge, as the bank does not require any fees for obtaining these services.
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